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 More statist idiots: California Says Au Revoir to Foie Gras

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More statist idiots: California Says Au Revoir to Foie Gras Vide
PostSubject: More statist idiots: California Says Au Revoir to Foie Gras   More statist idiots: California Says Au Revoir to Foie Gras Icon_minitimeSat Jun 30, 2012 6:36 am

"I never thought I'd see the day when I can smoke pot in California but not eat foie gras."

More statist idiots: California Says Au Revoir to Foie Gras Duck200

..."Foie gras is probably about 40 percent of our business," she says. Pine's business used to be based in the San Francisco Bay Area, but she has decamped to Reno, Nevada, because of the upcoming ban.

"I think it is the beginning of an agenda to really limit what people eat, and to try to change people's eating habits to not eat meat."

The bill, passed in 2004, gave the industry eight years to adapt before the law took affect. After Sunday, those caught selling foie gras produced through force feeding face fines of $1,000.

...Chefs are outraged. "I think we just thought it was going to go away," says Greg Daniels of the ban. He owns the Haven Gastropub in Pasadena, where he sells a foie gras cheesecake. "To chefs around the world, they think it's ridiculous. It's the stupidest thing that Californians could ever do, and it just proves the Californians are stupid."

"What's next after foie gras?" asks Los Angeles chef Ludo Lefebvre.

...Foie gras fans are hoping to have the law overturned. In the meantime, possession will still be legal, only the sale and production are banned. Some chefs wonder who might test the law by giving foie gras away for free and charging more for everything else.

Some of those at Laurel Pine's farewell party are planning to hire couriers to buy foie gras in Nevada and bring it across state lines. "Like prohibition, it'll come back," says one.
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