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 Robin Gibb in a coma; at death's door

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Robin Gibb in a coma; at death's door  Vide
PostSubject: Robin Gibb in a coma; at death's door    Robin Gibb in a coma; at death's door  Icon_minitimeSat Apr 14, 2012 2:48 am

Robin Gibb is lying in a coma as doctors fear he only has days to live, it has been reported.

Robin Gibb in a coma; at death's door  Article-2129558-129037C4000005DC-45_306x423

The Bee Gees star's family were keeping a bedside vigil, praying for the 62-year-old's survival.

He appeared to have made a recovery from liver and colon cancer this year, but doctors believe a second tumor may be present, reported The Sun.

He has also developed pneumonia.

His wife Dwina, brother Barry, 65, daughter Melissa, 37, and sons Spencer, 39, and Robin-John, 29, were at his bedside at a private hospital in Chelsea, West London.

A family friend told the newspaper: 'Our prayers are with Robin. he has kept so positive and always believed he could beat this. Sadly, it looks like he has developed pneumonia, which is very bad in his situation.

'If there is anyone you would put money on pulling through such a dire situation, it would be Robin because he is a fighter. But this is a battle he will struggle to win.'

Robin revealed his battle with cancer in October 2010.

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Robin Gibb in a coma; at death's door  Vide
PostSubject: Re: Robin Gibb in a coma; at death's door    Robin Gibb in a coma; at death's door  Icon_minitimeSun Apr 22, 2012 3:53 am

Death wasn't home: Gibb wakes from coma

Bee Gees singer Robin Gibb has woken from a coma after more than a week and begun to show signs of recovery.

Spokesman Doug Wright said he was able to nod and communicate with his family who have held a constant vigil at his beside in a central London hospital.

The 62-year-old fell into a coma after contracting pneumonia in his battle against colon and liver cancer.

Gibb's wife Dwina has revealed he cried when she played him Roy Orbison's 1962 song Crying.

Fellow Bee Gees star Barry Gibb had also been singing to his brother to try to rouse him.
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Robin Gibb in a coma; at death's door

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