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 Amid Pulitzer glory, the 'girl in the green dress' still has nightmares

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Amid Pulitzer glory, the 'girl in the green dress' still has nightmares  Vide
PostSubject: Amid Pulitzer glory, the 'girl in the green dress' still has nightmares    Amid Pulitzer glory, the 'girl in the green dress' still has nightmares  Icon_minitimeWed Apr 18, 2012 4:29 am

Down a rutted dirt alley in Old Kabul, the “girl in the green dress” — the subject of AFP's Pulitzer-winning photograph — still has nightmares about the day a suicide bomber made her image world famous.

Amid Pulitzer glory, the 'girl in the green dress' still has nightmares  Articleakbari420x0

Tarana Akbari, 11, no longer wears her best dress, which was drenched in her own blood and that of her relatives who were among 70 people who died around her at a religious festival on December 6 last year.

AFP photographer Massoud Hossaini, 30, won the prestigious US journalism prize for his “heartbreaking image of a girl crying in fear after a suicide bomber's attack at a crowded shrine in Kabul,” the Pulitzer committee said.

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Amid Pulitzer glory, the 'girl in the green dress' still has nightmares

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