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 THE secretary of the President, Barack Obama, pays a higher tax rate than Mr Obama on far less income

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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THE secretary of the President, Barack Obama, pays a higher tax rate than Mr Obama on far less income Vide
PostSubject: THE secretary of the President, Barack Obama, pays a higher tax rate than Mr Obama on far less income   THE secretary of the President, Barack Obama, pays a higher tax rate than Mr Obama on far less income Icon_minitimeSun Apr 15, 2012 5:57 am

THE secretary of the President, Barack Obama, pays a higher tax rate than Mr Obama on far less income, said a White Ho

THE secretary of the President, Barack Obama, pays a higher tax rate than Mr Obama on far less income Obamathumb169408x264

''The President's secretary pays a slightly higher rate this year than the President on her substantially lower income, which is exactly why we need to reform our tax code and ask the wealthiest to pay their fair share,'' White House spokeswoman Amy Brundage said.

Mr Obama has released his 2011 tax returns showing he and his wife, Michelle paid 20.5 per cent in federal taxes on their $US789,674 ($761,241) in adjusted gross income.

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THE secretary of the President, Barack Obama, pays a higher tax rate than Mr Obama on far less income

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