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 Corrupt OZschwitz union boss 'put $30k a month' on Amex

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Corrupt OZschwitz union boss 'put $30k a month' on Amex Vide
PostSubject: Corrupt OZschwitz union boss 'put $30k a month' on Amex   Corrupt OZschwitz union boss 'put $30k a month' on Amex Icon_minitimeWed Apr 11, 2012 5:24 am

THE corruption inquiries into the Health Services Union are set to widen with allegations that the boss, Michael Williamson, had another secret American Express card.

Corrupt OZschwitz union boss 'put $30k a month' on Amex Amexcenturionvd408x264

The black Centurion card, which he has had for several years, is a secondary one attached to the private account of his close personal friend Cheryl McMillan, the purchasing officer.

Mr Williamson has been spending up to $30,000 a month - largely on dining and other lifestyle expenses - on the card.

American Express describes Centurion members as ''super-affluent high net worth individuals on a continual quest for the best and most exclusive''. The annual fee for the privilege is $4300.

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Corrupt OZschwitz union boss 'put $30k a month' on Amex

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