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 Good stuff: Remains identified as body of American soldier abducted in '04

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Good stuff: Remains identified as body of American soldier abducted in '04 Vide
PostSubject: Good stuff: Remains identified as body of American soldier abducted in '04   Good stuff: Remains identified as body of American soldier abducted in '04 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 31, 2008 7:29 am

Hope turned to grief Sunday for an Ohio soldier's family when his remains were positively identified four years after he was taken prisoner in Iraq.

Pfc. Class Matt Maupin's relatives were notified by military officials that the 20-year-old Army Reservist would be coming home in a flag-draped coffin.

"It hurts; it hurts," Maupin's mother, Carolyn, said upon being notified of her son's death. "After you go through almost four years of hope, and then this is what happens, it's like a letdown."

Maupin was captured April 9, 2004, when his fuel convoy was attacked near Baghdad International Airport.

Shortly after Maupin was captured, the Arab TV network Al Jazeera aired videotape of him sitting on the floor ringed by five armed masked men.

A followup video in June 2004 purported showing Maupin's execution. But Army officials said the tape was too grainy to verify it showed the missing soldier.

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Good stuff: Remains identified as body of American soldier abducted in '04

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