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 David Cameron says enterprise is only hope for growth

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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David Cameron says enterprise is only hope for growth Vide
PostSubject: David Cameron says enterprise is only hope for growth   David Cameron says enterprise is only hope for growth Icon_minitimeSun Mar 06, 2011 6:12 pm

With no money left in the government coffers, the "only strategy" for growth is to get behind Britain's entrepreneurs, David Cameron has said.

In a speech to his party's spring conference, the PM declared war on the "enemies of enterprise" - and said he was on the side of "go-getters".

And he vowed 23 March's Budget would be the "most pro-growth this country has seen for a generation".

But Labour accused Mr Cameron of "warm words but no action".

Chancellor George Osborne has already told the Tory conference in Cardiff that his Budget will be "unashamedly pro-growth" and will include 10 new enterprise zones to boost some of the most deprived areas of England.

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David Cameron says enterprise is only hope for growth

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