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 Businesses fill public toilet gap in Wales

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
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Businesses fill public toilet gap in Wales Vide
PostSubject: Businesses fill public toilet gap in Wales   Businesses fill public toilet gap in Wales Icon_minitimeThu Mar 03, 2011 5:12 am

Businesses in many parts of Wales are filling the gaps as the number of public toilets falls, figures suggest.

BBC Wales has found there are now about 200 fewer traditional public loos, compared to the late 1990s.

But over 200 businesses such as pubs, cafes and even dentists have opened their toilets in recent years after offers of up to £500 of public money.

Age Cymru says public loos are crucial for older people and some will not go out without knowing they are available.

BBC Wales has obtained figures from local authorities across Wales and found public toilet provision varied hugely from county to county.

Gwynedd has 86 traditional public toilets, as well as 36 premises offering use of their loos under an assembly government scheme to encourage businesses to open up to the public.


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Businesses fill public toilet gap in Wales

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