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 Destructive OZschwitz council tears children's playhouse down

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Destructive OZschwitz council tears children's playhouse down Vide
PostSubject: Destructive OZschwitz council tears children's playhouse down   Destructive OZschwitz council tears children's playhouse down Icon_minitimeThu Feb 17, 2011 2:35 am

THE sign that said ''no grown-ups allowed'' is gone and so is the treehouse. Waverley Council has dismantled the wooden cubby that had entertained children for eight years and divided a neighbourhood in the past few weeks.

A note was put into letterboxes in Narelle Street, North Bondi, to tell residents that the council was due to follow through on its decision to remove the treehouse because it did not meet council standards.

Nicola Bird, a parent and supporter of the cubby, said her children, Kiera, 5, and Ethan, 4, were at school and childcare when the workmen came. She said they were sad their playhouse had gone but did have the chance to say goodbye to it.

''It's a very sad looking little tree now,'' Mrs Bird said.

The treehouse had been part of the neighbourhood since a father, who worked as a stage and set builder, constructed the cubby for his children outside their house. But the tree was on council land and a building inspection, conducted in December on behalf of the council, found the structure to be dangerous and recommended it be taken down.

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Destructive OZschwitz council tears children's playhouse down

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