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 Evil statist fucks: Iran’s Leader Derides Protests; Lawmakers Urge Death for Opposition Leaders

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Evil statist fucks: Iran’s Leader Derides Protests; Lawmakers Urge Death for Opposition Leaders Vide
PostSubject: Evil statist fucks: Iran’s Leader Derides Protests; Lawmakers Urge Death for Opposition Leaders   Evil statist fucks: Iran’s Leader Derides Protests; Lawmakers Urge Death for Opposition Leaders Icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 5:10 am

A day after the largest antigovernment protests in Iran in more than a year, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday dismissed opposition attempts to revive mass demonstrations as certain to fail, while members of the Iranian Parliament clamored for the two most prominent leaders of the protest movement to be executed.

Critics have called in the past for the two men, Mir Hussein Moussavi and Mehdi Karroubi, to be prosecuted for alleged crimes that would merit the death penalty. The calls for punishment on Tuesday, however, appeared to be the most strident yet — with members of Parliament shouting in unison, “Moussavi, Karroubi should be hanged!”

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Evil statist fucks: Iran’s Leader Derides Protests; Lawmakers Urge Death for Opposition Leaders

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