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 UK: Cameron's anger at Cable over failure to halt expensive EU worker rules

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UK: Cameron's anger at Cable over failure to halt expensive EU worker rules Vide
PostSubject: UK: Cameron's anger at Cable over failure to halt expensive EU worker rules   UK: Cameron's anger at Cable over failure to halt expensive EU worker rules Icon_minitimeTue Feb 15, 2011 5:59 am

David Cameron is embroiled in another Cabinet row over European demands for expensive employment rights for millions of workers.

The Prime Minister is understood to be furious that Business Secretary Vince Cable has failed to find a way to halt a tide of legislation from Brussels that will hit struggling businesses.

Several Tory Cabinet ministers, including Transport Secretary Philip Hammond, are understood to have objected to revised legal rights for more than a million agency workers, required by the EU.

They are due to come into force in October and will cost businesses £1.5billion a year, according to a report today by the British Chambers of Commerce.

Sources said it was not ‘100 per cent a done deal’ but it now looked all but impossible to delay implementation of the regulations. ‘The Prime Minister is incredibly frustrated that officials have not been able to find a way round this,’ said one.

The row comes just days after Parliament struck an historic blow against Europe when it voted to dismiss rulings that Britain must reverse a 140-year ban on prisoners voting.

Though that diktat came from the European Court of Human Rights, which is not an EU institution, there is growing anger in Downing Street at the scale of laws and regulations emanating from Brussels.

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UK: Cameron's anger at Cable over failure to halt expensive EU worker rules

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