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 Statist scum: UK's spending watchdog boss takes £464 chauffeur-driven Mercedes to meeting... on how to SAVE money

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Statist scum: UK's spending watchdog boss takes £464 chauffeur-driven Mercedes to meeting... on how to SAVE money Vide
PostSubject: Statist scum: UK's spending watchdog boss takes £464 chauffeur-driven Mercedes to meeting... on how to SAVE money   Statist scum: UK's spending watchdog boss takes £464 chauffeur-driven Mercedes to meeting... on how to SAVE money Icon_minitimeTue Feb 15, 2011 5:16 am

The conference was supposed to teach those attending how to save public money.

And civil servant Anthony Snow certainly needed some pointers – because he turned up in a chauffeur-driven Mercedes paid for by taxpayers.

The auditor spent £464 as he made the 290-mile journey in film-star style.

He even signed off his own expense claim for the limousine.

He got in the vehicle in Asaph, North Wales, to travel in comfort to the auditor’s public spending meeting in Poole, Dorset.

The conference was called 'More For Less - Meeting The Challenges Of A Changed Environment' for top Government auditors from across Britain.

Mr Snow was the £107,000-a-year top official at the watchdog responsible for making sure the Cardiff-based Welsh Assembly spends taxpayers’ money wisely.

Assembly member Leanne Wood said: 'It is staggering that Wales' public spending watchdog authorised £464 for a chauffeur-driven Mercedes.

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Statist scum: UK's spending watchdog boss takes £464 chauffeur-driven Mercedes to meeting... on how to SAVE money

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