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 UK parasitical councillors' payouts have soared as local services face savage cuts

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UK parasitical councillors' payouts have soared as local services face savage cuts Vide
PostSubject: UK parasitical councillors' payouts have soared as local services face savage cuts   UK parasitical councillors' payouts have soared as local services face savage cuts Icon_minitimeTue Feb 15, 2011 4:12 am

Thousands of local councillors have seen their allowances soar in the past five years, astonishing figures reveal.

The town hall payouts have risen by up to 150 per cent to a total cost of more than £200million a year.

The statistics will intensify anger over spending cuts at local authorities. Many warn that they are being forced to close libraries, swimming pools and leisure centres to save money.

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UK parasitical councillors' payouts have soared as local services face savage cuts

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