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 Iran protests: poLICE fire tear gas and paintballs at anti-government protesters

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Iran protests: poLICE fire tear gas and paintballs at anti-government protesters Vide
PostSubject: Iran protests: poLICE fire tear gas and paintballs at anti-government protesters   Iran protests: poLICE fire tear gas and paintballs at anti-government protesters Icon_minitimeTue Feb 15, 2011 12:55 am

The clashes broke out at Tehran's prominent Azadi (Freedom) Square when crowds of opposition supporters began chanting "Death to Dictator!" – a slogan used by protesters against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after the disputed 2009 presidential election.

Witnesses said police fired tear gas and also shot paintballs at protesters who had gathered despite a ban by authorities.

Websites and witnesses said thousands of opposition supporters had taken to the streets of the capital in support of Arab revolts despite a heavy police deployment.

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Iran protests: poLICE fire tear gas and paintballs at anti-government protesters

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