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 OZschwitz: State government bribing parasitical public servants ahead of the election

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz: State government bribing parasitical public servants ahead of the election Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz: State government bribing parasitical public servants ahead of the election   OZschwitz: State government bribing parasitical public servants ahead of the election Icon_minitimeSat Feb 12, 2011 8:30 pm

THE state government is to announce today that public servants will be given extra paid leave if they are victims of domestic violence.

The move implicitly concedes the importance of public sector unions in shoring up political support in next month's election.

Last month the Herald reported that the government had delayed responding to a demand first made by the Public Service Association in May that public servants who are victims of domestic violence be given an extra 20 days' paid leave a year.

Additionally, the association wanted protection preventing bosses from sacking or suspending an employee if their attendance or work suffered because of domestic violence, with human resources staff to be trained in domestic violence issues.

In today's announcement the the state government will say it has agreed to give public servants an additional five days' annual leave related specifically to domestic violence, while agreeing that other leave such as sick leave, carers leave and family and community services leave can be accessed when responding to domestic violence.

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OZschwitz: State government bribing parasitical public servants ahead of the election

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