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 Typical evil statist, spews out threats: Egypt Foreign Minister Warns of Military Intervention

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Typical evil statist, spews out threats: Egypt Foreign Minister Warns of Military Intervention Vide
PostSubject: Typical evil statist, spews out threats: Egypt Foreign Minister Warns of Military Intervention   Typical evil statist, spews out threats: Egypt Foreign Minister Warns of Military Intervention Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2011 5:39 am

CAIRO — As Egypt’s uprising entered its 17th day on Thursday, bolstered by labor strikes and worker protests across the country, a senior official in President Hosni Mubarak’s embattled government was quoted as saying the army would “intervene to control the country” if it 'fell into chaos.'

The warning by Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit seemed to add a further ominous tone to earlier comments by the newly appointed Vice President Omar Suleiman who said the alternatives facing tens of thousands of demonstrators demanding Mr. Mubarak’s ouster were dialogue with the authorities or “a coup.”

Mr. Aboul Gheit told Al Arabiya television: “We have to preserve the Constitution, even if it is amended,”

“If chaos occurs, the armed forces will intervene to control the country, a step which would lead to a very dangerous situation,” he was quoted as saying on the broadcaster’s Web site , a day after he dismissed calls by Egyptian protesters and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to scrap the country’s emergency laws, which allow the authorities to detain people without charge.

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Typical evil statist, spews out threats: Egypt Foreign Minister Warns of Military Intervention

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