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 OZschwitz treasury goes back on its word to divulge power company valuations

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

OZschwitz treasury goes back on its word to divulge power company valuations  Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz treasury goes back on its word to divulge power company valuations    OZschwitz treasury goes back on its word to divulge power company valuations  Icon_minitimeTue Feb 08, 2011 2:12 am

THE state government has refused to release the valuations of the state-owned power companies sold six weeks ago, reversing an earlier undertaking to do so.

In December, private companies agreed to pay $5.3 billion for the three state-run electricity retailers along with output from the Wallerawang, Mt Piper and Eraring power stations, together with sites for new stations.

Initially the government said it would have to wait until negotiations for the sale of output from other state-owned power stations had been concluded before releasing the data.

Now, however, the NSW Treasurer, Eric Roozendaal, has decided the information is ''sensitive commercial information'' which will not be released publicly, although it will be provided to the Auditor-General, who is looking into the sale.

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OZschwitz treasury goes back on its word to divulge power company valuations

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