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 Corrupt Mubarak's family fortune could be as much as $70 billion

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Corrupt Mubarak's family fortune could be as much as $70 billion Vide
PostSubject: Corrupt Mubarak's family fortune could be as much as $70 billion   Corrupt Mubarak's family fortune could be as much as $70 billion Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2011 1:21 am

President Hosni Mubarak's family fortune could be as much as $70 billion, according to analysis by Middle East experts, and much of his wealth is in British and Swiss banks or tied up in property in London, New York, Los Angeles and along expensive tracts of the Red Sea coast.

After 30 years as President and many more as a senior military official, Mr Mubarak has had access to investment deals that have generated hundreds of millions of dollars in profits. Most of the gains have been taken offshore and deposited in secret bank accounts or invested in upmarket homes and hotels.

According to a report last year in the Arabic newspaper Al Khabar, Mr Mubarak has properties in Manhattan and exclusive Beverly Hills addresses on Rodeo Drive.

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Corrupt Mubarak's family fortune could be as much as $70 billion

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