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 Whoa! Egypt's prime minister apologizes; military steps in between sides

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Whoa! Egypt's prime minister apologizes; military steps in between sides Vide
PostSubject: Whoa! Egypt's prime minister apologizes; military steps in between sides   Whoa! Egypt's prime minister apologizes; military steps in between sides Icon_minitimeThu Feb 03, 2011 8:00 am

Egypt's prime minister apologized Thursday for the violent attacks on protesters yesterday and said the country's president has asked him to investigate the security chaos.

"This is a fatal error, and when investigations reveal who is behind this crime and who allowed it to happen, I promise they will be held accountable and will be punished for what they did," Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq said on state-owned TV.

Meanwhile, the military -- which had largely remained still in the area of Tahrir Square during violent clashes between supporters and foes of President Hosni Mubarak -- took position between the clashing groups Thursday. Rocks flew back and forth in an empty construction area in front of a metal barricade that anti-Mubarak protesters set up overnight.

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Whoa! Egypt's prime minister apologizes; military steps in between sides

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