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 More OZschwitz rats deserting sinking ship: 22nd Labor MP decides not to fight NSW election

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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More OZschwitz rats deserting sinking ship: 22nd Labor MP decides not to fight NSW election Vide
PostSubject: More OZschwitz rats deserting sinking ship: 22nd Labor MP decides not to fight NSW election   More OZschwitz rats deserting sinking ship: 22nd Labor MP decides not to fight NSW election Icon_minitimeMon Jan 31, 2011 1:17 am

NSW upper house Labor MP Tony Catanzariti has announced he will not contest the March state election, saying he wants to devote more time to his farming interests and family.

He is the 22nd Labor MP to announce they are stepping down at the poll, including Drummoyne MP Angela D'Amore, who has been forced to retire after adverse findings by the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

Mr Catanzariti, 61, a Griffith citrus farmer, said he had been weighing up the decision to run again during the past 12 months, and decided he could not commit to another eight years in the Legislative Council.

He was first elected to Parliament in 2003.

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