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 OZschwitz floods: PM Julia Gillard unveils new "soak the rich" tax

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz floods: PM Julia Gillard unveils new "soak the rich" tax Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz floods: PM Julia Gillard unveils new "soak the rich" tax   OZschwitz floods: PM Julia Gillard unveils new "soak the rich" tax Icon_minitimeWed Jan 26, 2011 10:59 pm

Australia's Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced a new tax to help pay for devastating floods that she says will cost A$5.6bn ($5.6bn; £3.5bn) in reconstruction.

Ms Gillard said the 12-month tax, starting from 1 July, would be levied on those earning A$50,000 or more and those affected by floods would not pay.

"We should not put off to tomorrow what we are able to do today'," she said.

More than 30 people have been killed since flooding began last month.

Ms Gillard said: "The Treasury's preliminary estimates are that GDP growth in this financial year will be about half a percentage point less due to the floods.

"The best preliminary estimate of the direct cost to the federal budget of the summer's flood disaster is A$5.6bn."


The new tax will charge an extra 0.5% on those earning A$50,000-A$100,000 and 1% more on those earning more than A$100,000.

OZschwitz floods: PM Julia Gillard unveils new "soak the rich" tax Rman3989l

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OZschwitz floods: PM Julia Gillard unveils new "soak the rich" tax

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