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 Via ANCAPS: Those who speak out against Israhell's oppression are the true patriots

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Via ANCAPS: Those who speak out against Israhell's oppression are the true patriots  Vide
PostSubject: Via ANCAPS: Those who speak out against Israhell's oppression are the true patriots    Via ANCAPS: Those who speak out against Israhell's oppression are the true patriots  Icon_minitimeFri Jan 21, 2011 1:13 am

Patriotism generally surfaces in times of uncertainty and fear, when people coalesce to serve and protect their community and the public good. But what if such fear and uncertainty can no longer sustain the patriotic glue?

What if the very ideals and values that people found worth defending begin to erode, overrun by decades of conflict, violence and oppression? Troubled times demand critical self-examination, yet the very expression of such self-doubt can also appear as weakness and disloyalty.

In Israel this issue is explosive, polarising the country and generating unprecedented intervention by the right-wing government and its affiliated agents. These include the ''loyalty laws'' proposed by right-wing MPs, designed to alienate and exclude Arab Israelis and, more recently, the move to establish a parliamentary committee to investigate the funding of human rights groups accused of ''delegitimising'' Israel and its army.
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Against this unfavourable political context, the work of an organisation like Breaking the Silence, which has published hundreds of new testimonies by Israeli soldiers about their actions during the past decade in the occupied Palestinian territories and Gaza, becomes invaluable. Many were given by disaffected soldiers who had served in Operation Cast Lead in Gaza in 2008-09, describing how they used Palestinian civilians as human shields.

In the past the publication of the testimonies triggered a vehement response from the well-oiled army PR machinery against ''cowardly'', anonymous testimonies by soldiers. The Israel Defence Force spokesmen said Breaking the Silence was out to tarnish the IDF.

The sheer volume of testimonies made public a few weeks ago makes it much harder for the IDF to dismiss them as anomalous. Now, it is hoped that such testimonies would be taken seriously. Regrettably, the current political response is to create an atmosphere of fear by proposing a parliamentary committee to scrutinise any organisation it sees as working to ''delegitimise'' the state of Israel.

Anyone who reads these accounts is bound to be startled by the blatant disregard for human life that emerges. These accounts also shed light on the fear and confusion gripping young Israeli soldiers, who are routinely faced with tasks and operations they are ill-equipped to perform.

But if the testimonies reveal the immorality of the occupation, they also bring to our attention others whose moral compass drives them to speak out against the callousness of the machine controlling the occupation.

The current government is attempting to redefine Israel's raison d'etre as one premised on racism and prejudice towards Arabs. This finds expression at the grassroots level as well as in the Knesset. We see alarming cases of Israeli soldiers wearing T-shirts sporting racist and highly disturbing images of Palestinian women and children, pointing to deep-seated anti-Arab sentiments, stretching well beyond the soldiers' vocational concerns. It is in this context that Breaking the Silence is an important project for Israel.

Today, perhaps more than ever in its history, Israel is a country gripped by fear and paralysed by confusion. Its inhabitants feel disempowered and disillusioned with the peace process, while the country has progressively become isolated.

Unfortunately, those who criticise Israel's actions in public are subjected to witch hunts, instigated by the government and its supporters. Such people and groups claim exclusive copyright over what constitutes patriotism and Zionism.

Organisations such as Im Tirtzu (meaning ''If you will'') use the famous words of the founding father of Zionism, Theodore Herzl, whose dictum about the establishment of the Israeli state was, ''If you will it it is not a dream'', to flag their patriotic colours. This self-proclaimed patriotic vanguard has consistently targeted academia as the hotbed of anti-post-Zionist sentiments. Their ''carefully researched'' reports identify the culprits (read traitors) who dare question the Zionist grand narrative.

For Im Tirtzu, such acts of betrayal must be reprimanded. Then there are the draconian ''loyalty'' laws that received a sacred seal of approval by rabbis who declared an edict prohibiting renting or selling apartments to Arabs in major Israeli towns.

The writing is on the wall, making the formidable ''separation wall'' an icon of Israel's anti-democratic policies and increasing paranoia. But it is those ''voices within'', who dare show the cracks in the wall, who might help Israel recalibrate its social and moral compass.

Ironically, these brave soldiers, organisations and individuals are the true patriots, who despite their vilification are still trying to serve and protect Israel from its most intimate enemy - itself.

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Via ANCAPS: Those who speak out against Israhell's oppression are the true patriots

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