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 Today's Anarcho-Capitalist Good News: Protesters set fire to a villa owned by one of the Tunisian President's relatives

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Today's Anarcho-Capitalist Good News: Protesters set fire to a villa owned by one of the Tunisian President's relatives Vide
PostSubject: Today's Anarcho-Capitalist Good News: Protesters set fire to a villa owned by one of the Tunisian President's relatives   Today's Anarcho-Capitalist Good News: Protesters set fire to a villa owned by one of the Tunisian President's relatives Icon_minitimeFri Jan 14, 2011 10:50 pm

THE United States has warned its Middle Eastern allies to reform or be overthrown, as youths protesting against Tunisia's 50-year dictatorship clashed with police in the country's capital.

The US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, ended a tour of the Gulf with a warning that leaders who failed to carry out political and economic reform risked being cast aside.

Today's Anarcho-Capitalist Good News: Protesters set fire to a villa owned by one of the Tunisian President's relatives Tunisia-420x0

''In too many places, in too many ways, the region's foundations are sinking into the sand,'' she said. ''Those who cling to the status quo may be able to hold back the full impact of their countries' problems for a little while, but not forever.

''If leaders don't offer a positive vision and give young people meaningful ways to contribute, others will fill the vacuum.''

Police in Tunis opened fire and shot tear gas as stone-throwing youths breached a curfew and surrounded government buildings.

At least three people were reportedly killed, bringing to more than 60 the number said by human-rights groups to have died in a wave of unrest in what was previously seen as one of the Arab world's most stable and prosperous countries.

Four more people had already been shot and killed in the suburbs of Tunis on Wednesday night. The President, Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali, 74, who has been in power since he overthrew his predecessor in 1987, sacked the interior minister on Wednesday but failed to quell calls for his resignation.

On Thursday night, Mr Ben Ali attempted to pacify protesters by saying in a television address that he would not change the constitution to allow him to stand again when his term expires in 2014. He also ordered his security forces to stop using firearms against protesters and said prices for sugar, milk and bread would be reduced.

However, as the President was speaking, promising an end to force, two people were killed as police opened fire on protesters, witnesses said.

Protests over unemployment and food prices have also broken out in Algeria, Jordan and even Saudi Arabia in recent weeks, all countries with a high proportion of young people, many well-educated but jobless. Egypt, the most populous Arab nation, has been hit by sectarian violence while also facing a growing Islamist opposition.

While Mr Ben Ali has supported the US and implemented free-market reforms, opposition activists complain that the only people to benefit have been Mr Ben Ali's family and cronies.

Diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks gave an American assessment that corruption was getting worse. ''Whether it's cash, services, land, property, or yes, even your yacht, President Ben Ali's family is rumoured to covet it and reportedly gets what it wants,'' said Robert Godec, the US ambassador.

On Thursday, rioters ransacked the mansion of a presidential relative in seaside Hammamet, the Tunisian St Tropez.

Recent violence began after a young graduate, Mohamed Bouazizi, died after setting himself alight in the town of Sidi Bouzid last month. He had been forced to become a fruit and vegetable seller through lack of work, but his stall was confiscated as he did not have a licence. After another young man killed himself in a protest at unemployment, youths started rioting. The protests spread, encouraged by Facebook sites and Twitter accounts dedicated to the men.

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Today's Anarcho-Capitalist Good News: Protesters set fire to a villa owned by one of the Tunisian President's relatives

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