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 Ancaps delighted as WikiLeaks opens the door to a new enlightenment

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Ancaps delighted as WikiLeaks opens the door to a new enlightenment  Vide
PostSubject: Ancaps delighted as WikiLeaks opens the door to a new enlightenment    Ancaps delighted as WikiLeaks opens the door to a new enlightenment  Icon_minitimeFri Dec 03, 2010 1:31 am

Quite suddenly we've woken up to discover the extent of the chasm between the old world and the new. In the old world people in authority controlled the information, ran the line, scripted the scenarios and everyone else mutely swallowed the lot.

In the new world, rank outsiders disrupt the game. Treasure troves of digitally captured state and corporate secrets are gaily passed around to anyone and everyone while the old guard looks on, horrified, spluttering and powerless.

The carefully concocted versions of events that we used to swallow are now no longer swallowable. The latest revelations provided through the WikiLeaks website of potentially a quarter of a million ''diplomatic'' cables that passed between the US State Department and American embassies have driven home the old world/new world divide.
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The material, in parts, is vastly entertaining, but hardly surprising. As one European leader told Hillary Clinton: ''Don't worry about your cables. You should see what we say about you.''

What is of lasting significance is that politicians and captains of industry and even the courts have lost the power to control the way information is drip-fed in their self-interest. That was the way it was done in the old world. Journalists grasped at snippets and morsels to assist the insider in some undeclared agenda. This new world represents as big a change for journalism as it does for the rest of the established order.

To use a horrid, new age expression, journalists have been ''disintermediated''. They are now required to distil and present information that has been obtained and published by another source. We see much the same thing happening in the world of ''open media'', also known as social media. This runs in a parallel stream with mainstream media, but pays no heed to usual restraints or conventions.

People connected to open media can comment, complain, attack and question events that normally would have been kept under a concrete lid. There is no better example of this than the defamation proceedings threatened by the editor-in-chief of The Australian newspaper, Chris Mitchell, against a Canberra academic, Julie Posetti. Normally a threat such as this would shut everyone up, for fear of exacerbating the damage. Now the precise opposite happens, and scores of people line up to cheer or boo the prospective plaintiff (mostly booing in this case).

The electronic capture of information has made secrets much more accessible. No longer do the modern day Daniel Ellsbergs (of Pentagon Papers fame) have to lug boxes and crates of information about in pantechnicons and no longer do journalists have to spend days photocopying. The digital version can be easily stored, smartly carried, readily searched and indexed. The downside is that there is usually a digital fingerprint and leakers have to be extraordinarily careful.

The Economist's Democracy in America blog observed on Wednesday that even if the wild demands of conservative zealots in the US were realised and the face of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, was ''taken out'' by an unmanned drone, nothing really would change for the rest of us.

With or without WikiLeaks the technology exists for the flood of documents to continue. At the same time there will always be a Bradley Manning, the US army intelligence officer in the frame for the release of this and earlier war documents to Assange.

Actually, Manning's digital fingerprint was so out there that he really put himself in the frame. In online chats to a former hacker, Adrian Lamo, Manning said: ''i'm a source, not quite a volunteer . . . i mean, i'm a high profile source . . . and i've developed a relationship with assange . . .'' It's a bit hard to tell just what his motivation might have been. Personal suffering or a need to right some wrongs? The critics of Assange declare his activities to be against the national interest. Our own Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, agrees with this. The Federal Police are said to be ''investigating''.

What precisely is so damaging if citizens know some of the truth? If they know that there was a secret arrangement between US and British officials to subvert the plan to ban cluster bombs. If they know that the British government restricted the investigation of the Chilcott inquiry into the Iraq war to minimise embarrassment for the US. To know that China might be willing to accept the reunification of North and South Korea. To know if the governor of the Bank of England had doubts about the economic credentials of Prime Minister David Cameron. To know that their governments undermine international treaties.

No lasting damage to the US or anyone else's national interest will flow from that, just as there was no damage to the US national interest from the Pentagon Papers. Embarrassment, certainly, accompanied by a lot of posturing, but life in a more informed way went on. The New Enlightenment has arrived and there's nothing anyone can do about it - thank god.

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