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 UK: Former chief constable discusses pitfalls of a system mired in bureaucracy

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UK: Former chief constable discusses pitfalls of a system mired in bureaucracy Vide
PostSubject: UK: Former chief constable discusses pitfalls of a system mired in bureaucracy   UK: Former chief constable discusses pitfalls of a system mired in bureaucracy Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 8:46 pm

"It must never happen again." How many times have we heard this when awful events make the news? Something offends us, as right-minded people, and we believe, even convince ourselves, that with some forethought we can prevent it happening again. The result is not something that provides intuitive foresight, but often a time-consuming, bureaucratic process that acts as a "comfort blanket" – yet in reality has minimal impact on protecting anyone.

In 2002, the murder of Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells by Ian Huntley in Soham saw such an outcry. One of the results was a vetting scheme that now insists on more rigorous background checks into people employed in positions with responsibility for – or contact with – children, and an expensive IT system that enables all police forces instantly to check each other's intelligence systems. When fully launched, this will supplement the Police National Computer, which has a comprehensive database of known offenders' conviction histories.

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UK: Former chief constable discusses pitfalls of a system mired in bureaucracy

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