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 OZschwitz: ASIO intelligence used to jail mother in Yemen, say activists

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz: ASIO intelligence used to jail mother in Yemen, say activists Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz: ASIO intelligence used to jail mother in Yemen, say activists   OZschwitz: ASIO intelligence used to jail mother in Yemen, say activists Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 3:57 am

AUSTRALIA provided intelligence about a Yemeni-based Australian woman - who was subsequently jailed and her young children placed under home detention - to Yemeni security police via the FBI, a Yemeni human rights organisation says.

The head of Yemen's National Organisation for Defending Rights and Freedoms, Mohamed Naji Allawo, has told the Herald that Yemeni authorities arrested Sydney woman Shyloh Giddins, 30, after being provided information by the FBI.

The FBI in turn received its information about Ms Giddins - who converted to Islam in Sydney and then moved to Yemen - from Australia, said Mr Allawo.

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OZschwitz: ASIO intelligence used to jail mother in Yemen, say activists

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