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 OZschwitz: Pigs stood by while jailed man 'yelled in pain' before dying

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz: Pigs stood by while jailed man 'yelled in pain' before dying Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz: Pigs stood by while jailed man 'yelled in pain' before dying   OZschwitz: Pigs stood by while jailed man 'yelled in pain' before dying Icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 4:18 am

A Chinese man who was seen bleeding from his mouth and crawling from his police cell "like a dog" begged officers for help hours before he died in hospital, his interpreter claims.

The woman, known as JJ, said she was called to Dandenong police station after the allegedly drunk man was arrested about 2.30pm on May 12.

JJ told Radio 3AW today the man had soiled himself, was bleeding from the mouth and complaining of such intense pain he couldn't stand up or walk at the police station.

She said when the cell door was opened, the man crawled out "on his knees and hands like a dog" with no assistance from police officers.

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OZschwitz: Pigs stood by while jailed man 'yelled in pain' before dying

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