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 Former US Marine charged with the murder of a nurse

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Former US Marine charged with the murder of a nurse Vide
PostSubject: Former US Marine charged with the murder of a nurse   Former US Marine charged with the murder of a nurse Icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 4:23 am

A FORMER US Marine has been charged with the murder of Sydney nurse Michelle Beets after his wife provided fresh information to police.

Walter Ciaran Marsh, a 49-year-old American citizen, was charged with the murder of Ms Beets yesterday afternoon.

It follows a long - and at times bizarre - three-week investigation into the murder of Ms Beets, who was found on her Chatswood verandah with her throat cut and with as many as a dozen stab wounds to her chest and neck just after dark on April 27.

Ms Beets was the nurse manager at the Royal North Shore Hospital's emergency department. She hired Mr Marsh on a one-year contract about 15 months ago. That contract was not renewed upon its expiry.

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Former US Marine charged with the murder of a nurse

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