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 Applause as Mugabe rival acquitted of terrorism charges

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Applause as Mugabe rival acquitted of terrorism charges Vide
PostSubject: Applause as Mugabe rival acquitted of terrorism charges   Applause as Mugabe rival acquitted of terrorism charges Icon_minitimeWed May 12, 2010 3:43 am

ROY BENNETT, a leading opponent of Zimbabwe's President, Robert Mugabe, has been acquitted of terrorism charges that could have resulted in the death penalty.

The High Court in Harare, packed with supporters, journalists and foreign diplomats, erupted in cheers and applause on Monday when a judge ruled that all charges should be dropped in a case that has strained Zimbabwe's unity government.

''It was incredibly emotional,'' a relieved Mr Bennett said. ''To have this hanging over your head, knowing it could mean the death penalty, has been very hard.

''I've got to thank God and think that good will always triumph over evil. This experience has … made me stronger.''

Mr Bennett, the treasurer general of the Movement for Democratic Change of the Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai, had been accused of buying weapons in 2006 to carry out acts of insurgency, sabotage, banditry or terrorism in a plot to topple Mr Mugabe.

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