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 Malevolent Spanish statists, arrest innocent fake pilots, for simply transporting cocaine

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Malevolent Spanish statists, arrest innocent fake pilots, for simply transporting cocaine Vide
PostSubject: Malevolent Spanish statists, arrest innocent fake pilots, for simply transporting cocaine   Malevolent Spanish statists, arrest innocent fake pilots, for simply transporting cocaine Icon_minitimeTue May 11, 2010 4:15 am

Spanish narcotics agents nabbed two men dressed in pilot uniforms, complete with caps and insignias, trying to smuggle 55kg of cocaine through Madrid airport, police said on Monday.

The duo arriving on a flight from Santa Cruz in Bolivia caught the eye of Spanish narcotics agents because they were travelling with passengers and not with airline personnel, police said in a statement.

A check of their documents revealed that the two, whose nationality was not disclosed, did not fly for any airline and then 50 packets of cocaine, weighing some 55kg, were discovered in their carry-on baggage.

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Malevolent Spanish statists, arrest innocent fake pilots, for simply transporting cocaine

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