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 ANCAPS Good News: Search Engines Will Obey EU Rules

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ANCAPS Good News: Search Engines Will Obey EU Rules Vide
PostSubject: ANCAPS Good News: Search Engines Will Obey EU Rules   ANCAPS Good News: Search Engines Will Obey EU Rules Icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2008 6:00 am

THE EU is warning Internet search engines that they must obey EU data rules or risk being banned from the Olde Worlde.

European data privacy regulators have said that they are concerned that Internet search engines based outside Europe were doing crazy things with a person's IP address and search history.

According to AP, the Old World, the EU has a few rules that someone must consent to their data being collected and give individuals the right to object or verify their information apply to search engines.

As far as the EU is concerned that applies to outfits headquartered outside the EU but have "an establishment" in one of the EU member states.

Although this could scare the pants off the search engines who are currently under pressure in the US to hand over as much data as possible to the music and film industries and the US government, many seem to be happy with the idea.
Google and Microsoft both really want an excuse to wipe as much personal data from their servers as possible, as it prevents them getting involved in long running court battles over the data.

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ANCAPS Good News: Search Engines Will Obey EU Rules

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