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 Enthusiastic GOP Teen to Fight Citations

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Enthusiastic GOP Teen to Fight Citations Vide
PostSubject: Enthusiastic GOP Teen to Fight Citations   Enthusiastic GOP Teen to Fight Citations Icon_minitimeSun Feb 10, 2008 4:53 am

OWATONNA, Minn. (AP) -- An 18-year-old Republican's enthusiasm for presidential hopeful Ron Paul could cost him more than $550.

Cody Hauer has been cited four times in one week for displaying a 13-inch-by-40-inch "Ron Paul Revolution" decal in the rear window of his car. The problem is that such decals are illegal if they obstruct the driver's view.

"I support Ron Paul, the city police department doesn't," he said. "They gave me a DWR - driving while Republican."

Owatonna Police Chief Shaun LaDue said his officers followed the law.

"The political aspect of this doesn't enter into the equation at all," LaDue said. "It's very clear in state statute that you cannot have anything that obstructs the driver's vision."

Besides being in violation of the law, Hauer showed disrespect toward the officer during each traffic stop, LaDue said. "He talks himself into a citation each time," LaDue said.

Hauer said he'll argue in court that the law violates his First Amendment right to free speech.

"To be honest, I'm probably not going to win, but I'm going to go down fighting," he said.


Give 'em hell kid...
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