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 Parasitic striking teachers are booking samba lessons and luxury lunches during their mass walkout next week

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Parasitic striking teachers are booking samba lessons and luxury lunches during their mass walkout next week Vide
PostSubject: Parasitic striking teachers are booking samba lessons and luxury lunches during their mass walkout next week   Parasitic striking teachers are booking samba lessons and luxury lunches during their mass walkout next week Icon_minitimeSat Apr 29, 2023 8:12 pm

Militant teachers are booking dance lessons and luxury lunches on strike days, leaving frantic parents to scramble around for childcare, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Parasitic striking teachers are booking samba lessons and luxury lunches during their mass walkout next week 70391705-12029571-image-a-86_1682804851004

On Tuesday, teachers will leave their classrooms for strike-day 'activities', including an hour-long samba workshop and a meal at a Hampton By Hilton hotel.

In Reading, union reps called on teachers to rally 'friends' and book a samba session before enjoying a picnic in the town's Forbury Gardens.


bunch of cunts   parasite   fuckers
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Parasitic striking teachers are booking samba lessons and luxury lunches during their mass walkout next week

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