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 Human Degeneracy Watch: Just Stop Oil zealots block traffic as eco-activists stage yet ANOTHER road protest in London

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Human Degeneracy Watch: Just Stop Oil zealots block traffic as eco-activists stage yet ANOTHER road protest in London Vide
PostSubject: Human Degeneracy Watch: Just Stop Oil zealots block traffic as eco-activists stage yet ANOTHER road protest in London   Human Degeneracy Watch: Just Stop Oil zealots block traffic as eco-activists stage yet ANOTHER road protest in London Icon_minitimeFri Apr 28, 2023 4:47 am

A frustrated man who confronted Just Stop Oil activists and took their banners away was confronted by police in London this morning who told him to move away from the scene - while protesters continued to hold up traffic.

Human Degeneracy Watch: Just Stop Oil zealots block traffic as eco-activists stage yet ANOTHER road protest in London 70339159-12024267-image-m-2_1682667700933

More than 60 Just Stop Oil activists staged another protest as they took to the streets to hold up traffic once again in their new 'slow-marching' action.

The environmentalists compared themselves to suffragettes and civil rights protesters as they accused the Home Secretary of 'cowardice' in the face of the climate crisis.


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Human Degeneracy Watch: Just Stop Oil zealots block traffic as eco-activists stage yet ANOTHER road protest in London

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