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 Vaccine injuries dominant German reporting on the mRNA jabs, as the Covid vaccinations face ever wider cultural and social repudiation

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Vaccine injuries dominant German reporting on the mRNA jabs, as the Covid vaccinations face ever wider cultural and social repudiation Vide
PostSubject: Vaccine injuries dominant German reporting on the mRNA jabs, as the Covid vaccinations face ever wider cultural and social repudiation   Vaccine injuries dominant German reporting on the mRNA jabs, as the Covid vaccinations face ever wider cultural and social repudiation Icon_minitimeTue Apr 25, 2023 7:23 pm

Last month, German Health Minister and renowned virus pest Karl Lauterbach gave a remarkable interview in which he denounced “exorbitant” pharmaceutical profits, deplored “dismaying” vaccine injuries, and called for the manufacturers to set aside funds for those who have been harmed. He did so amid a growing wave of reporting on vaccine injuries in the German press – a wave which his statements have now turned into a tsunami. In the weeks since, vaccine injuries and side effects have become the dominant theme of German press coverage on the jabs, from local papers to national media.

Vaccine injuries dominant German reporting on the mRNA jabs, as the Covid vaccinations face ever wider cultural and social repudiation

It’s been a serious shift, the likes of which I’m not sure has unfolded in any other country. To give you a taste of it, I’ve assembled a representative selection of stories from the last eight weeks or so, in roughly reverse chronological order. As you read through them, remember that these are all links to publications read by ordinary people; I’ve excluded all media with overt Covid-sceptic associations.


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Vaccine injuries dominant German reporting on the mRNA jabs, as the Covid vaccinations face ever wider cultural and social repudiation

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