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 Awww, world's dash for natural gas endangers climate goals, awww...

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Awww, world's dash for natural gas endangers climate goals, awww... Vide
PostSubject: Awww, world's dash for natural gas endangers climate goals, awww...   Awww, world's dash for natural gas endangers climate goals, awww... Icon_minitimeFri Nov 11, 2022 7:29 am

Countries scrambling this year to source more natural gas to replace supplies from Russia are risking years of emissions that could thwart climate goals, the research collaboration Climate Action Tracker said on Thursday.

Efforts to stave off disastrous climate change collided this year with a global energy crisis of scarce gas and soaring fuel prices, as Russia sharply cut gas deliveries to Europe following its Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine.

"We're witnessing a major push for expanded fossil gas LNG production and import capacity across the world – in Europe, Africa, North America, Asia and Australia – which could cause global emissions to breach dangerous levels," said Bill Hare, CEO of research institute Climate Analytics, which together with NewClimate Institute forms Climate Action Tracker (CAT).

Awww, world's dash for natural gas endangers climate goals, awww... GVR3SEZZ3VOBVNCD3LAMCIP4SE


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