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 OZschwitz: Plot to oust police chief for 'puppet'

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz: Plot to oust police chief for 'puppet' Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz: Plot to oust police chief for 'puppet'   OZschwitz: Plot to oust police chief for 'puppet' Icon_minitimeThu Feb 07, 2008 6:22 pm

A SECRET campaign by police union boss Paul Mullett to install Noel Ashby as a "puppet" chief commissioner led to the exposure of a top-secret murder investigation, an explosive report has found.

The report, by Victoria's Office of Police Integrity, found that Mr Mullett tipped off a detective that he was being secretly investigated for murder.

And it said that the information about the murder probe was leaked to Mr Mullett by then assistant commissioner Ashby.

But despite the damning report, which includes recommendations for criminal charges against Mr Mullett and Mr Ashby, the Police Association yesterday insisted Mr Mullett was innocent and would remain as its secretary.

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OZschwitz: Plot to oust police chief for 'puppet' Vide
PostSubject: Re: OZschwitz: Plot to oust police chief for 'puppet'   OZschwitz: Plot to oust police chief for 'puppet' Icon_minitimeThu Feb 07, 2008 6:31 pm

An OZschwitz police coup d'etat attempt!
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OZschwitz: Plot to oust police chief for 'puppet'

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