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 With the Hunter Biden Expose, Suppression is a Bigger Scandal Than The Actual Story

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

With the Hunter Biden Expose, Suppression is a Bigger Scandal Than The Actual Story Vide
PostSubject: With the Hunter Biden Expose, Suppression is a Bigger Scandal Than The Actual Story   With the Hunter Biden Expose, Suppression is a Bigger Scandal Than The Actual Story Icon_minitimeMon Oct 26, 2020 5:34 pm

Unprecedented efforts to squelch information about a New York Post story may prove to be more dangerous corruption than whatever Hunter Biden did with a crooked Ukrainian energy company

With the Hunter Biden Expose, Suppression is a Bigger Scandal Than The Actual Story

The incredible decision by Twitter and Facebook to block access to a New York Post story about a cache of emails reportedly belonging to Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s son Hunter, with Twitter going so far as to lock the 200 year-old newspaper out of its own account for over a week, continues to be a major underreported scandal.

The hypocrisy is mind-boggling. Imagine the reaction if that same set of facts involved the New York Times and any of its multitudinous unverifiable “exposes” from the last half-decade: from the similarly-leaked “black ledger” story implicating Paul Manafort, to its later-debunked “repeated contacts with Russian intelligence” story, to its mountain of articles about the far more dubious Steele dossier. Internet platforms for years have balked at intervening at many other sensational “unverified” stories, including ones called into question in very short order:

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With the Hunter Biden Expose, Suppression is a Bigger Scandal Than The Actual Story

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