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 BBC Proms begins with music by black British composer 'exploring themes of identity' as exclusive poll reveals public fury over Rule Britannia singing row

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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BBC Proms begins with music by black British composer 'exploring themes of identity' as exclusive poll reveals public fury over Rule Britannia singing row Vide
PostSubject: BBC Proms begins with music by black British composer 'exploring themes of identity' as exclusive poll reveals public fury over Rule Britannia singing row   BBC Proms begins with music by black British composer 'exploring themes of identity' as exclusive poll reveals public fury over Rule Britannia singing row Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2020 8:50 pm

The live-music leg of the BBC Proms kicked off with a composition 'exploring themes of identity' by a renowned Black British composer.

BBC Proms begins with music by black British composer 'exploring themes of identity' as exclusive poll reveals public fury over Rule Britannia singing row 32517366-8675255-image-a-2_1598647796385

The world premiere of Hannah Kendall's Tuxedo: Vasco 'de' Gama opened the programme on BBC Two last night at the Royal Albert Hall.

Kendall sat in the audience as her spine-tingling Basquiat-inspired composition was performed to empty seats.
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BBC Proms begins with music by black British composer 'exploring themes of identity' as exclusive poll reveals public fury over Rule Britannia singing row

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