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 YaY! Fourth OZschwitz lawyer in three months whacks himself

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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YaY! Fourth OZschwitz lawyer in three months whacks himself Vide
PostSubject: YaY! Fourth OZschwitz lawyer in three months whacks himself   YaY! Fourth OZschwitz lawyer in three months whacks himself Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2009 5:40 pm

We need each other, especially when we don't feel like it, writes Charles Waterstreet.

We lost another one last week. The fourth lawyer in three months. Depression is an insidious disease, silently stalking its victim like a virus.

Misquoting Leo Tolstoy for a moment: "Happy family members are all alike, every unhappy family member is unhappy in its own way." Every suicide has its own story. The mood might have passed in the blink of an eye. Yet suicide seemed the only way out. The deceased certainly believed that, for what he perceived to be good reason. Daylight might bring a different thought. Every adult should be on suicide watch for each other.

Depression, like bad weather, will in most cases pass, even category fives. The trick is to batten down and plan, and don't leave it to president Bush to help. We need each other, especially when we don't feel like it. Misery does not love company. Sometimes suicide appears to be a mercy killing - without an accomplice.

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YaY! Fourth OZschwitz lawyer in three months whacks himself Vide
PostSubject: Re: YaY! Fourth OZschwitz lawyer in three months whacks himself   YaY! Fourth OZschwitz lawyer in three months whacks himself Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2009 6:04 pm

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Fourth OZschwitz lawyer in three months whacks himself

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