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 Nice one! Thief KO'd by martial artist

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Nice one! Thief KO'd by martial artist Vide
PostSubject: Nice one! Thief KO'd by martial artist   Nice one! Thief KO'd by martial artist Icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2009 4:44 am

GEORGE TOWN - A THIEF in Gurney Drive in Malaysia picked the wrong person to mess with when he tried to steal a 47-year-old American's motorcycle helmet.

Dan Towery was leaving Gurney Plaza after shopping there on Sunday afternoon when he saw a man removing the helmet that was locked to his motorcycle.

'He was trying to make off with it,' said Mr Towery. 'I ran after him as he was getting ready to speed off on his motorcycle.

Mr Towery said he wrestled the man to the ground.

'I grabbed hold of his neck and pulled him to the ground. I then overpowered him before handing him over to the police,' said the former engineering manager.

Mr Towery, who has been living in Malaysia since 2000, later lodged a report at the Pulau Tikus police station.

The well-built American says he is skilled in Muay Thai and other styles of martial arts.

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Nice one! Thief KO'd by martial artist

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