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 YaY! US seeks to seize assets of Madoff and wife

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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YaY! US seeks to seize assets of Madoff and wife Vide
PostSubject: YaY! US seeks to seize assets of Madoff and wife   YaY! US seeks to seize assets of Madoff and wife Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2009 5:57 pm

The US government is seeking to seize more than $US90 million ($A137.4 million) in cash and bonds, homes, yachts and a grand piano belonging to disgraced Wall Street financier Bernard Madoff and his wife, prosecutors say.

A filing in a US district court in New York on Monday outlined 18 types of fixed and liquid assets ordered seized by prosecutors after Madoff, 70, pleaded guilty on Thursday to 11 criminal charges in one of the biggest financial frauds in history.

The assets included all of Madoff's interest in Cohmad Securities Corporation, and his wife's interests in the company, "including but not limited to, municipal bonds valued at approximately $US45 million ($A68.7 million)," the filing read.

It also seeks seizure of some $US17 million ($A25.95 million) in cash.

Other items pointed to the couple's lavish lifestyle, including their Manhattan penthouse, homes in upstate New York and Palm Beach, Florida and their "Chateau des Pins" villa in Cap d'Antibes.

The properties are worth a combined $US22 million ($A33.6 million), according to documents filed last week by Madoff's lawyer.

There were also luxury vehicles, sport yachts and a sport fishing boat known as "Sitting Bull," estimated to be worth $US430,812 ($A657,730), a $US65,000 ($A99,240) silverware set and a Steinway piano valued at $US39,000 ($A59,550).

Madoff, a former chairman of the Nasdaq stock market, was jailed pending sentencing at a hearing set for June. His lawyers have said they intend to appeal the revocation of their client's bail.

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