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 OZschwitz: Waverley mayor denies soliciting male escort's murder

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz: Waverley mayor denies soliciting male escort's murder Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz: Waverley mayor denies soliciting male escort's murder   OZschwitz: Waverley mayor denies soliciting male escort's murder Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2009 5:33 pm

A former Waverley mayor will defend charges that he solicited the murder of a male escort.

James Robert Markham, 71, is accused of arranging the contract killing of Paul Dunshea.

But he was allegedly unaware the people he hired for the job, A Current Affair reporter Ben Fordham and Adam Tolme - who was working with him on the program - were secretly filming the conversation.

Markham shuffled briefly into Waverley Local Court today wearing a suit, socks and slippers, surrounded by two lawyers and a muscled supporter in dark sunglasses. He looked frail and moved slowly.

According to court papers, he faces three charges, including soliciting Tolme and Fordham to murder Mr Dunshea and recruiting each of the two men to kidnap, sexually assault, humiliate and seriously assault the same alleged victim.

He indicated he intends to defend the charges, bail was continued and the matter was adjourned to the Downing Local Court next month.

Fordham and Tolme have been charged under the Listening Devices Act and are due to appear at North Sydney Local Court in May.

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OZschwitz: Waverley mayor denies soliciting male escort's murder

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