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 The Lying Guardian: The university ‘free speech crisis’ has been a rightwing myth for 50 years

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The Lying Guardian: The university ‘free speech crisis’ has been a rightwing myth for 50 years  Vide
PostSubject: The Lying Guardian: The university ‘free speech crisis’ has been a rightwing myth for 50 years    The Lying Guardian: The university ‘free speech crisis’ has been a rightwing myth for 50 years  Icon_minitimeSat Feb 22, 2020 8:20 pm

Today’s Tories are battling the same confected ‘censorship’ as Enoch Powell in the late 1960s

The Lying Guardian: The university ‘free speech crisis’ has been a rightwing myth for 50 years  5100

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The Lying Guardian: The university ‘free speech crisis’ has been a rightwing myth for 50 years

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