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 The Good: Trump’s plan for ‘school choice’ will lead to the further privatization of public education.

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The Good: Trump’s plan for ‘school choice’ will lead to the further privatization of public education. Vide
PostSubject: The Good: Trump’s plan for ‘school choice’ will lead to the further privatization of public education.   The Good: Trump’s plan for ‘school choice’ will lead to the further privatization of public education. Icon_minitimeMon Feb 17, 2020 10:10 pm

For too long,” Trump declared in his State of the Union address on February 4, “countless American children have been trapped in failing government schools.”
Trump, to shore up his point, introduced two guests in the audience: Stephanie Davis, a black single mom from Philadelphia, and her fourth-grade daughter, Jayinah, who the President said was on a waitlist in Pennsylvania's voucher program. Trump then revealed that one of these voucher had magically “become available” for Jayinah.

The Good: Trump’s plan for ‘school choice’ will lead to the further privatization of public education. 49494241312_a89a633724_k
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The Good: Trump’s plan for ‘school choice’ will lead to the further privatization of public education.

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