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 OZschwitz voters needed one level of government to hold accountable for declining school results

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
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OZschwitz voters needed one level of government to hold accountable for declining school results Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz voters needed one level of government to hold accountable for declining school results   OZschwitz voters needed one level of government to hold accountable for declining school results Icon_minitimeMon Feb 17, 2020 5:50 pm

The federal government should get out of schools and let state governments decide the appropriate mix of funding between public and private schools, the nation’s former top mandarin has said.

OZschwitz voters needed one level of government to hold accountable for declining school results 3dd966c580e2fe322c88f4f817fc8f38a9205afc

Martin Parkinson, who helmed the federal bureaucracy for four years before retiring in August last year, said voters needed one level of government to hold accountable for declining school results.
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OZschwitz voters needed one level of government to hold accountable for declining school results

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