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 Cool: Straight Pride Parade Set for Saturday in Boston

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Female Location : Ether-Sphere
Job/hobbies : Irrationality Exterminator
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Cool: Straight Pride Parade Set for Saturday in Boston Vide
PostSubject: Cool: Straight Pride Parade Set for Saturday in Boston   Cool: Straight Pride Parade Set for Saturday in Boston Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2019 3:11 am

The website for Super Happy Fun America features a sea of yellow happy faces attached to men in black suits walking along a city street. Above them is the same face, acting as a radiating sun. It is meant to be a fun image, but there is something disingenuous and creepy about it. Why does everybody look the same? And just who is behind those smiling faces that sneer at the LGBTQ community?

Cool: Straight Pride Parade Set for Saturday in Boston Viewimage_story

It won't be long before the world finds out. On Saturday, August 31, the group hosts its first Straight Pride Parade in Boston.

The parade is scheduled to begin at noon in Copley Square and follow the same route that the Boston LGBTQ Parade uses each June, threading through the South End, the Back Bay and Beacon Hill before ending on City Hall Plaza.

lol fuhrer
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Cool: Straight Pride Parade Set for Saturday in Boston

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