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 An event hosted by free speech friendly social network on racism and political violence will proceed this weekend, despite Antifa threats

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An event hosted by free speech friendly social network on racism and political violence will proceed this weekend, despite Antifa threats Vide
PostSubject: An event hosted by free speech friendly social network on racism and political violence will proceed this weekend, despite Antifa threats   An event hosted by free speech friendly social network on racism and political violence will proceed this weekend, despite Antifa threats Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2019 12:48 am Event to Proceed Despite Violent Antifa Threats

An event hosted by free speech friendly social network on racism and political violence will proceed this weekend, despite Antifa threats GettyImages-839981910-640x480

The event was previously set to be held at a theater in Pitman, New Jersey. The theater owner canceled the event after allegedly receiving multiple threats from Antifa, including an alleged threat to burn his theater down.
The event has now secured a new venue. The venue will be announced publicly the day of the event.
The event’s lineup includes Daryl Davis, a Christian blues musician famous for using his religious beliefs to engage with members of the KKK, causing many of the white supremacist group’s members to renounce the Klan and racism. Davis will be addressing how to bring racial extremists “back from the edge,” in a one-hour discussion with CEO Bill Ottman.
This is the event that the allegedly anti-racist “Antifa,” a far-left extremist movement known for its regular acts of violence against its political targets, is protesting.
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An event hosted by free speech friendly social network on racism and political violence will proceed this weekend, despite Antifa threats

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