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 Outrageous: A ‘constitutional carry’ bill is dead in Texas

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Outrageous: A ‘constitutional carry’ bill is dead in Texas  Vide
PostSubject: Outrageous: A ‘constitutional carry’ bill is dead in Texas    Outrageous: A ‘constitutional carry’ bill is dead in Texas  Icon_minitimeSat Apr 06, 2019 9:00 pm

This is not the year to weaken Texas’ gun laws.

Outrageous: A ‘constitutional carry’ bill is dead in Texas  MED6udT

After two of the worst mass shootings in American history — one in a church near San Antonio and another in a high school near Houston — even the normally gun-happy Texas Legislature is not inclined to take the next step and let Texans freely carry handguns without a state permit.
This bit of political reality is somehow lost on Texas’ libertarian gun-rights activists, who have once again proven themselves expert marksmen when the target is their own foot.
After telling activists “It is critical to keep the pressure on (Texas House Speaker Dennis) Bonnen” for the right to permitless carry, the leader of Dallas-based Texas Gun Rights went door-knocking with fliers for “constitutional carry” in Bonnen’s home Angleton neighborhood.
He went to Bonnen’s house March 26 while the speaker was in Austin.
Result: a Thursday local newspaper headline “Bonnen accuses group of intimidation tactic.”

Bonnen’s wife, Kim, wasn’t home. (A teenage son was.)
But she said the idea of an activist “showing up with a T-shirt with a machine gun on it” was “freaking me out. … This cannot become how we advocate.”
Police groups already opposed permitless carry because then officers wouldn’t have probable cause to check out someone with a handgun.
By week’s end, state Rep. Jonathan Stickland, a Ron Paul-style libertarian Republican from Bedford, was announcing that his bill legalizing permitless carry was “dead.”
Bonnen had already said so.
Before going to Bonnen’s house, Texas Gun Rights director Chris McNutt of Allen first paid a home visit to state Rep. Four Price of Amarillo and state Rep. Dustin Burrows of Lubbock, and to their neighbors.
So when he went to Bonnen’s, he never made it to the door. Texas Department of Public Safety troopers intercepted him and carried the flier to the door, he said.
“Fabricating a media hit” against him by describing his handing out fliers in home neighborhoods as intimidation.

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Outrageous: A ‘constitutional carry’ bill is dead in Texas

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