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 Yes: Myanmar army chief must be prosecuted for Rohingya 'genocide': U.N. rights envoy

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Yes: Myanmar army chief must be prosecuted for Rohingya 'genocide': U.N. rights envoy Vide
PostSubject: Yes: Myanmar army chief must be prosecuted for Rohingya 'genocide': U.N. rights envoy   Yes: Myanmar army chief must be prosecuted for Rohingya 'genocide': U.N. rights envoy Icon_minitimeSun Jan 27, 2019 6:14 pm

Myanmar’s army chief should be prosecuted for genocide against the Rohingya Muslim minority, a U.N. human rights investigator said, adding that holding perpetrators to account for crimes was necessary before refugees who fled the country could return.

Yes: Myanmar army chief must be prosecuted for Rohingya 'genocide': U.N. rights envoy ?

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Yes: Myanmar army chief must be prosecuted for Rohingya 'genocide': U.N. rights envoy

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